Free material

All Gapminder material linking here are freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Which means…

You are free to:

  • Remix: You are allowed to change the material and include fragments of it in other works.
  • Spread: You are allowed to make copies, distribute, publish and transmit the material.
  • Sell: You are allowed to include the material in commercial products or services that you charge for.

We really want you to spread the material in the way that works best for you. Here are the only requirements:

  • Attribution: You must make clear to others the license terms of this work and include the citation below.
  • Trademark: Don’t include the word “GAPMINDER” in your product or service, except for the required citation.


If you have not changed the material, use: “FREE TO USE! CC-BY GAPMINDER.ORG”

If you have made any changes to the material, use: “Based on free material from GAPMINDER.ORG, CC-BY LICENSE”

If you distribute it online, the text should link to some page on gapminder’s website.

Customizing the citations

You can modify the citation to better fit your usage, but you need to include three items:

1) the word “free”

2) the link to Gapminder

3) CC-BY

Write “based on free material”.

Here are a few examples:

  • You use a few slides in your presentation: Free slides from GAPMINDER.ORG, CC-BY LICENSE
  • You make a screen-capture of one of the vizualization tools: SHOWING A FREE VIZUALIZATION FROM GAPMINDER.ORG, CC-BY LICENSE
  • You put the exercise on your homepage: FREE SCHOOL MATERIAL FROM GAPMINDER.ORG, CC-BY LICENSE