Family 197
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Family 197
Monthly income
Monthly income
The family lives in Bangladesh. M is 35 years old and works as a rickshaw driver. His wife S is 25 years old and works in a garment factory. They are parents to 2 children and live in a rented 1-bedroom house. They like the house because of its reasonable rent but the mosquito infestation worries them. Their favorite item is the TV. The next thing they plan on buying is a new rickshaw and their dream is to someday buy a new house.
The family lives in Bangladesh. M is 35 years old and works as a rickshaw driver; his wife, S, is 25 years old and works in a garment factory. They have a 12-year-old daughter and a 1-year-old son. Together, they work 170 hours per week. The family moved into their current home about a year ago in search of cheap rent. Although the home is plagued with mosquitoes, they are pleased to afford its rent. The electricity connection is unreliable and fails twice a week. They cook their food with propane and purchase all their food supplies by spending 70% of their income. Drinking water is available away from the home. Collecting the water is a chore that takes about 2 minutes to complete, but the water is not always clean. Toilet facilities are also located away from the home and are shared by 21 families. M has never been on vacation, and his favorite possession is the television. He would like to purchase a new rickshaw, and dreams of one day purchasing a new home.