Family 93
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Family 93
Monthly income
Monthly income
The family lives in Malawi. D is 70 years old and his wife V is 48 years old. They both work in agriculture and live with their 4 children in a 1-bedroom house. The family owns the house and have been living here for 3 months. Their plan is to spend money on buying construction supplies for their house. They dream of one day being able to buy a bicycle.
The family lives in Malawi. D is 70 years old and his wife V is 48 years old. They live with their 4 children in the house, ranging between 3 to 13 years of age. They both work in agriculture. Their 1-bedroom house was built with help from family members. They own the house and 2 hectares of agricultural land on which they have been living for 3 months. It has no electricity, drinking water, or toilet facilities. The family produces 50% of their food supplies, while the rest is purchased which costs them half of their income. They use wood for cooking in the kitchen. The family’s plan is to spend money on buying construction supplies for their house. They dream of one day being able to buy a bicycle.