Family 62, India

Family 62

Family 62, India
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Family 62

Family 62, India
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in India. B works as a shopkeeper and lives with his wife and a 2-year-old son. They live in a rented 2-bedroom house and have been living there for 3 years. The next thing they plan on buying is an LCD TV. Their dream is to buy a car and a house of their own.

The family lives in India. B works as a shopkeeper and lives with his wife and 2-year-old son. B works 70 hours a week. The family lives in a rented 2-room house and have been living there for 3 years. The house has uninterrupted electricity supply, drinking water, and an indoor toilet. B’s wife also spends 7 hours a week collecting water. The family purchases 90% of their food and the rest 10% comes from gifts. They spend 30% of their income on food. They use propane to cook food in their kitchen. The family is saving money. The next thing they are planning to buy is an LCD TV. They are hoping one day to fulfill their dream of buying a car and their own house.

Photo by: AJ Sharma
All in India
Photo by: AJ Sharma
All families in India