Family 223, China

Family 223

Family 223, China
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Family 223

Family 223, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. T is 34 years old and is a taxi driver. His wife, Y, is 33 years old and she works in a grocery store. They live with their 10-year-old son, Z, who is a student. The family owns the house and have been living here for 3 years. They like the house because it's in an area where they grew up and is close to the bus station. However, the thing that bothers them about the house is its heating system which is inefficient during winters. The next big thing they plan on buying is a TV. Their favorite item is their wallet and their dream is to buy a large refrigerator and a new car.

The family lives in China. T is 34 years old and works as a taxi driver. His wife, Y, is 33 years old and she works in a grocery store. Their son Z is 10 years old and is a student. T spends 50 hours per week on his taxi job and his earnings were recently cut in half due to the popularity of car sharing mobile apps (like Uber). His wife works 35 hours per week at a grocery store. The family lives in a 2-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 3 years. The house has uninterrupted electricity, in-house water, and toilet facilities. They like the house because it's located in the area where they grew up and is close to the bus station. However, the thing that bothers them is its heating system which is inefficient during winters. They also own an apartment in another city. The family buys all their food supplies and it costs them 30% of their income. They use bottled water and use natural gas in the kitchen for cooking. The family is saving money and the next thing they plan on buying is a TV. Their favorite item in the house is their wallet. Their dream is to one day be able to buy a large refrigerator and a new car.

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