Family 182

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Family 182
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The family lives in China. K is 54 years old and works in property management. His wife Y is also 54 years old and they live with their 2 adult children. They own the apartment and have been living here for 27 years. Their favorite item is their saved money. The next big thing they plan on buying is an apartment because their current one is too small in size. Their dream is to one day buy their own house.
The family lives in China. K is 54 years old and works in property management. His wife, Y is 54 years old and they live with their two children. The daughter, C, is 29 years old and is a teacher. The son, W, is 24 years old and is a salesman. Together the family works for 170 hours/week. The family lives in a single-room apartment. They own the apartment and have been living here for the past 27 years. The apartment has uninterrupted electricity, toilet, and water facilities. The family purchases all their food supplies from the local market. It costs them around 30% of their income. For the kitchen stove, they use natural gas. The family manages to save money for their future needs. The next big thing they plan on buying is a bigger apartment. They dream that one day they might be able to buy a house.