Family 298
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Family 298
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The family lives in the Netherlands. T is 75 years old and her husband H is 77 years old. They both are retired pensioners. They live together in a 3-bedroom house and have been living here for 49 years. They are happy with the surroundings of the house, however, they dislike its frequent maintenance requirement. Their favourite item in the house is the photo album. Their next big plan is to buy a carpet and their dream is to own a bungalow.
The family lives in the Netherlands. T is 75 years old and her husband H is 77 years old. They both are retired pensioners. The family lives in a 3-bedroom house which they own. They have been living there for the past 49 years. The thing they like about the house is its surroundings, however, what bothers them is the maintenance of the house. The house has uninterrupted electricity, indoors toilet facility, and in-house water supply. The family purchases all their food supplies from the market which costs them around 30% of their income. They cook their food on natural gas fuel. Drinking water is available at their home and is safe to drink. The family goes on vacations and have been to Florida, USA on one of their farthest trips. They are saving money and their next big plan is to buy a carpet. Their dream is to own a bungalow.