Family 392

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Family 392
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The family lives in Spain. They are a family of 2 adults and 1 child. C is 38 years old and works as an IT business consultant. He lives with his wife and one daughter in a 2-bedroom apartment. They like the children-friendly surroundings of the apartment, but public transportation of the area troubles them. Their favorite possessions in the home are family photos and their pet cats. Their next big plan is to buy a sofa, and their dream is to buy a house on the beach.
The family lives in Spain. They are a family of 2 adults and 1 child. C is 38 years old and works as an IT business consultant. His wife, D, who is 33 years old and works as a beauty sales consultant. They have a 3 years old daughter, R, who is a student. The family lives in a 2-bedroom apartment which they own. They moved here due to the lower price of the apartment and have been living here for the past six years. The thing they like about their home is its child-friendly surroundings, however, they are not satisfied with the public transportation in the area. The apartment has uninterrupted electricity, an indoor toilet facility, and a safe water supply. The family purchases all their food supplies from the market, while a very small portion comes from gifts and other sources. In the kitchen, they use electricity to cook their food. Drinking water is also available at their home and is safe to drink. The family goes on vacation and have been to Ko Tao island in Thailand on their farthest trip. Their favorite possessions in the home are family photos and their pet cats. They are saving money and their next big plan is to buy a sofa. Their dream is to buy a house on the beach.