Family 304
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Family 304
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The family lives in Pakistan. B is 36 years old and she is a teacher. Her husband R is 40 years old and he is a lawyer by profession. They both live with their three daughters in a rented 3-bedroom apartment. They love the size of their apartment but aren’t happy with its quality. Their dream is to buy a new smartphone (iPhone).
The family lives in Pakistan. B is 36 years old and she is a teacher. Her husband R is 40 years old and he is a lawyer by profession. They both live with their three daughters. Their daughters, L, 15 years old, R, 10 years old, and F, 4 years old, are all students. The family lives in a 3-bedroom rented apartment and have been living here for 9 years. They are happy with the size of the home however, its quality really bothers them. It has uninterrupted electricity and indoor toilet facility, and in-house water supply, while they need to get safe drinking water from elsewhere. The family purchases all their food supplies from the nearby market. They use natural gas fuel to cook their food. The family likes to go on vacations and they have visited Malaysia on their furthest trip. Their dream is to buy a new expensive smartphone (iPhone).