Family 56
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Family 56
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The family lives in Haiti. J is 46 years old and a mother of 8 children. She works as a trash collector, while her eldest son, 24-year-old R, is a traffic director. They live in a 2-bedroom house and have been living here for 27 years. The worst thing about their house is its poor quality roof but they still have to live here since they have no place else to go. Their favorite item is the water bucket. The next big thing they plan to buy is food supplies. The family’s wish is to fulfill their dream of buying a house.
The family lives in Haiti. J is 46 years old and she works as a trash collector. She lives with her 8 kids. Her eldest son, R, is 24 years old and works as a traffic director. The rest of her children go to school while the young ones stay at home. Together the family works 58 hours/week. The family lives in a two-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 27 years. The house was built with help from friends and relatives. It has no electricity, water, or toilet facility. The family spends nearly all of their income on food. For drinking water, the mother and children spend 4 hours every week to collect it from a water source at a one-hour distance from their home. The mother also spends 7 hours every week to collect wood for the kitchen stove. The family doesn’t earn enough money to have any to save. The next big thing they are planning to buy is better food for their kids. They dream that one day they might be able to get a better house than the current one.