Family 38

Home of
Family 38
Monthly income
Monthly income
The family lives in Cambodia. T is 46 years old and works part-time in construction. His wife O is 49 years old and is unemployed. They live with their 7 children and 3 grandchildren in two bedrooms that they've been occupying for 2 years. Their next big plan is to buy clothes for the children and their dream is to buy a house.
The family lives in Cambodia. T is 46 years old and works part-time in construction. His wife O is 49 years old and is unemployed. They live with their daughter K, 33 years old, who is a house cleaner, and their other four daughters S, 27 years old, M, 23 years old, R, 19 years old, and E, 15 years old, who are all unemployed, and H, 11 years old, and G, 7 years old, who are both students. They also live with their grandsons Heng, 5 years old, who is a student, V, 2 years old, and D, 3 months old. Together the family works for 15-20 hours/week. The family lives in a two-room squat that they built themselves. They've been living there for the past 2 years. The house has electricity but there’s no toilet. About 80% of the family income is spent on buying food. Touch spends 7 hours a week on housework and 2 hours with her daughters collecting water, which is 3 km away, and wood, which is used as fuel for cooking. The family hardly saves any money. They’ve never been on a vacation. The next thing they plan to spend money on is clothes for the children. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a house.