Family 446, Colombia

Family 446

Family 446, Colombia
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Family 446

Family 446, Colombia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Colombia. They are 1 adult and 7 children. The family lives in Colombia. C is 34 years old and she work at the church’s parking lot. She lives with her children in a 4-bedroom house. They like the built quality and neighborhood of their house, however they dislike the hilly slopes of the surrounding streets. Their favorite item in the house is the Bible. The next big thing they plan on buying is a microwave oven. Their dream is to buy a motorcycle.

The family lives in Colombia. They are 1 adult and 7 children. C is 34 years old and she work at the church’s parking lot. Her eldest daughter, V, is 17 years old and she works a house cleaning job. The other daughters, M, 16, N, 12, S, 10, D, 10, and son, L, 5 years old, are all students. They also have a grandson E, 2 years old. The family lives in a 4-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for an year. They like the built quality and neighborhood of their house, however they dislike the hilly slopes of the surrounding streets. The house has uninterrupted electricity, indoors toilet, and on-premises water supply. The family buys their food supplies from the market. They use electricity and natural gas for cooking in the kitchen. For drinking water, they use the house water supply. The family has traveled to Neiva, Huila in Colombia. Their favorite item in the house is the Bible. The next big thing they plan on buying is a microwave oven. Their dream is to buy a motorcycle.

Photo by: Santiago Madera
All in Colombia
Photo by: Santiago Madera
All families in Colombia