Family 47

Home of
Family 47
Monthly income
Monthly income
The family lives in Ivory Coast. M is 59 years old. His wife R is 58 years old and they live with their six children. The family lives in a one-bedroom rented house, which has been their home for more than 15 years. They dream that one day they might be able to buy their own house.
The family lives in Ivory Coast. M is 59 years old and is unemployed. His wife R is 58 years old, and she works 60 hours per week at a sales job. Their six children - five daughters and a son - are between 3 to 14 years of age. The family has lived in their one-bedroom home for over 15 years. It’s a rented house with no drinking water or toilet facilities. The family shares an outdoor toilet with two other households. The electricity is very unreliable, often failing several days per week. They cook food with a charcoal stove. The family purchases 90% of their food supplies and the rest 10% is provided as gifts or other sources. Drinking water is available outside the house, but is sometimes not safe to drink. The family spends around 31½ hours per week collecting water. Their income is spent solely on rent and food, so they are in debt and cannot pay for the water. They dream that one day they might be able to buy their own house.