Family 6

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Family 6
Monthly income
Monthly income
The family lives in Turkey. S is 43 years old and is a painter. His wife U is 38 years old and they live with their 5 children. The family lives in a rented 2-room house and have been living there for 4 years. The next thing they plan on buying is a new bed. Their dream is to one day be able to buy a house.
The family lives in Turkey. S is 43 years old. His wife U is 38 years old and she is a housewife. They live with their 4 daughters; E, 18 years old, O, 17 years old, R, 14 years old, and N, 2 months old, and their son Hau, 11 years old. The eldest two daughters are textile workers, while the other children are students. Together, they work for a total of 134 hours/week. The family lives in a rented 2-room house. They’ve been living there for the past 4 years. The house has electricity, which fails several times a week, running water, and toilet facility. The family has to buy all their food supplies which cost them 30% of their income. They use propane for cooking in the kitchen. Safe drinking water is available inside the house. The family saves money and sometimes go on vacation. The furthest they have ever been was Adana, Turkey. The next thing they plan to buy is a new bed. They hope that one day they will be able to fulfill their dream of buying a house.