Family 461
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Family 461
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The family lives in Spain. They are 2 adults and 2 children. N is 47 years old and works as a sales officer. She lives with her family in a 3-bedroom house. They like the location of their house but dislike the isolation of the area. Their pets are their most favorite item at home. The next big thing they want to buy is a mattress. Their dream is to buy a house with some extra land.
Fernandez family lives in Spain. They are 2 adults and 2 children. Nuria is 47 years old and she is a sales officer. Her husband Jose is 45 years old and he is a carpenter. Their two daughters; Paula, 17 years old, and Candela, 13 years old, are both students. The family lives in a 3-bedroom house. They own it and have been living here for 20 years. They like its location but dislike the isolation of the area. The house has uninterrupted electricity, indoor toilets, and in-house water supply. Their most favorite item at home are their pets. Fernandez family buys all their food supplies from the market. They use electricity for cooking and use the house water supply for drinking water. The family goes on vacation and have been to Rome in Italy on their furthest trip. The next big thing they want to buy is a mattress. Their dream is to buy a house with some extra land.