Family 440

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Family 440
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The family lives in Denmark. They are 2 adults and 2 children. T is 41 years old and she is a teacher. She lives with her family in a 4-bedroom house. They like the house which is very spacious and close to their workplace, however, it is a bit noisy from the main road nearby. Their favorite item in the house is their kid’s teddy bear toy. The next big thing they plan on spending is a family holiday trip. Their dream is to own a treehouse.
The family lives in Denmark. They are 2 adults and 2 children. T is 41 years old and she is a teacher. Her husband, H, is 42 years old and he is a Production Engineer. They live with their two daughters, K, 11 years old, and S, 9 years old. They both are students. The family lives in a 4-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 15 years. The thing they like about their house is its size, location, and a nice garden. The thing that bothers them about the house is the noise of traffic from a nearby main road. Their house has uninterrupted electricity, indoor toilets, and in-house water supply. They also own another house. The family buys all their food supplies from the market. They use electricity for cooking and use tap water supply for drinking purposes. The family goes on vacation and has been to Arequipa, in Peru on their furthest trip. Their next big plan is to go on a holiday trip. Their favorite items in the house are the kids’ toys. They dream of buying a treehouse someday.