Family 399
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Family 399
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The family lives in Kenya. They are 3 adults and 8 children. K is 53 years old and he is a farmer. He lives with his family in a 2-bedroom house. They like their house farmland but are not happy with the built quality of the house. Their favorite items in the house are their clothes. The next big thing they plan on buying is some iron sheets for their house. Their dream is to buy a phone.
The family lives in Kenya. They are 3 adults and 8 children. K is 53 years old and he is a farmer. His wife, C, is 47 years old and she is a housewife. Their eldest daughter, H, is 22 years old and she does manual labor. Their 5 sons, M, V, N, B and T, are 15, 11, 9, 6, and 4 years old respectively. Their 2 younger daughters, E, 17 years old, and L, 11 years old, are both students. They also have a grandson, G, who is 1 ½ year old. The family lives in a 2-bedroom house. They own the house and have been living here for 2 years. They like their house farmland but are not happy with the mud-built house walls and want to buy iron sheets to improve them. The house has no electricity, the toilet is outdoors in the open, and the water supply is 20 minutes away by walking. The family buys most of their food supplies, while a small part comes from their own production. They burn wood for cooking in the kitchen and use a water source 20 minutes away for fetching drinking water. The family has traveled to Kampala, Uganda on their furthest trip. Their favorite items at home are their clothes. The next big thing they plan on buying is some iron sheets for their house. Their dream is to buy a phone.