Family 398, Austria

Family 398

Family 398, Austria
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Family 398

Family 398, Austria
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Austria. They are 2 adults. T is 37 years old and he is a cafe owner. He lives with his partner D in a 1-bedroom apartment. They like their apartment with its garden and central location. The things they dislike is the old building of the apartment and its windows. Their favorite items at home are their guitars and its accessories. Their dream is to buy a nice van.

The family lives in Austria. They are 2 adults. T and D are both 37 years old and they run a cafe. They live in a rented 1-bedroom apartment. They like their apartment with its garden and central location. The things they dislike is the old building of the apartment and its windows. The apartment has uninterrupted electricity, indoor toilet facility, and on-premises water supply. They also own some agricultural land. The family buys all their food supplies from the market. They use natural gas for cooking in the kitchen. For drinking water, they use tap water which is safe to drink. The family is saving money. They go on vacations and have been to Bangkok, in Thailand on their furthest trip. Their favorite items at home are their guitars and its accessories. Their dream is to buy a nice van.

Photo by: Raashi Saxena
All families in Austria