Family 375, India

Family 375

Family 375, India
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Family 375

Family 375, India
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in India. They are 2 adults and 3 children. S is 28 years old and she works as a maid. She lives with her family in a 1-bedroom house. They like their neighbors and the surroundings of their house, however, they dislike the shelves of the kitchen. Their favorite items are their jewelry and clothes. Their dream is to buy their own small house someday.

The family lives in India. They are 2 adults and 3 children. S is 28 years old and she works as a maid. Her husband R is 30 years old and he is a barber. They have 3 children. Their two sons, V, 11 years old, and N, 7 years old, and a daughter, H, 13 years old, are all students. The family lives in a rented 1-bedroom house. They like their neighbors and the surroundings of their house, however, they dislike the shelves of their kitchen. The house has electricity which fails several time a week. There is no toilet and no water supply on the premises. They use the open fields as toilet. The family produces most of their food supplies themselves. They use LPG fuel for cooking in the kitchen. To obtain drinking water they use a water source outside their home. The family is saving money and plan on spending it to buy some jewelry. Their favorite items at home are their jewelry and clothes. Their dream is to buy their own small house someday.

Photo by: Raashi Saxena
All families in India