Family 373, Czech Republic

Family 373

Family 373, Czech Republic
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Family 373

Family 373, Czech Republic
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Czech Republic. It's a 1 adult family. K is 29 years old and she works as a manager. She lives in a rented 2-bedroom apartment. She likes her place as it fulfills her needs and is close to her workplace. The thing she dislikes about her place is the pigeon nests around her apartment building. Her favorite home item is her family jewels. The next thing she dreams of buying is an electro board (electronic skateboard).

The family lives in Czech Republic. It's a 1 adult family. K is 29 years old and she works as a manager. She lives in a rented 2-bedroom apartment. It has been her home for a year. She likes it as it fulfills all her needs and is close to her workplace. The thing she dislikes is the pigeon nests around her apartment building. The apartment has uninterrupted electricity, indoor toilet, and in-house water supply. K buys all her food supplies from the market. For cooking food, she uses electricity. Drinking water is available through the water tap and is safe for consumption. She is saving money and also goes on vacations. She has traveled to Sydney, in Australia, on her furthest trip. Her favorite home item is her family jewels. The next thing she dreams of buying is an electro board (electronic skateboard).

Czech Republic

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