Family 357, Colombia

Family 357

Family 357, Colombia
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Family 357

Family 357, Colombia
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in Colombia. They are 1 adult family. E is 71 years old and she is a housewife. She lives in her own 3-bedroom house. She likes her house because of its good environment and location which is close to her relatives. Her favorite item in the house is her sewing machine. The next big thing she plans on buying is a TV. Her dream is to buy a farm.

The family lives in Colombia. They are 1 adult family. E is 71 years old and she is a housewife. She lives in her own 3-bedroom house and has been living here for 45 years. The best thing about her house is its good environment and location which is close to her relatives. The house has uninterrupted electricity, in-house water supply, and indoor private toilet. E gets 80% of her food supplies from her own produce, while the rest is purchased from the market. In the kitchen, she uses natural gas for cooking. Drinking water is available inside her house and is safe for drinking. E is saving money and has been on vacations. She has been to Covenas, a town in Colombia on her furthest trip. Her favorite item in the house is her sewing machine. The next big thing she plans on buying is a TV. Her dream is to buy a farm.

Photo by: Julian Andres
All families in Colombia