Family 306
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Family 306
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The family lives in the Netherlands. N is 46 years old and she works in sales at a retail store. She lives along with her daughter in a rented 3-bedroom apartment. They like the surroundings of the apartment, however, they dislike its kitchen. They are living here because it’s a nice neighbourhood. Their favourite items in the home are photo books. Their next big plan is to buy a wardrobe and their dream is to buy their own house.
The family lives in the Netherlands. N is 46 years old and she works in sales at a retail store. She lives along with her daughter J, who is 16 years old and is a student. The family lives in a rented 3-bedroom apartment and have been living here for 4.5 years. They like living here because of its surroundings, However, they are not happy with the kitchen of their apartment. It has an indoor toilet facility, uninterrupted electricity, and safe water supply. The family purchases all their food supplies from the marketplace and spend approx. 30% of their income on it. They cook food on the natural gas stove and use safe drinking water which is available at their home. The family saves money and goes on vacations. They have been to California, USA on their furthest trip. Their next big plan is to purchase a new wardrobe and their dream is to buy their own house.