Family 187, China

Family 187

Family 187, China
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Family 187

Family 187, China
Monthly income
Monthly income

The family lives in China. H is 49 years old and is a skilled worker. His wife D is 44 years old and is a farmer. They live with their 2 children and a grandparent in a 2-bedroom house. The family owns the house and have been living here for 5 years. They grew up in the area and like the house because of its high quality. Their favorite item in the house is their computer. The next big thing they plan on buying is a car and their dream is to buy a motorbike.

The family lives in China. H is 49 years old and is a skilled worker. His wife D is 44 years old and is a farmer. They live with their 2 sons: the elder son, C, is 23 years old, and the younger, G, is 17. H’s father is also part of the household. Together the family works for 246 hours per week. The family has lived in its two-bedroom house for 5 years. They own the home, which has stable electricity, water, and toilet facilities. They grew up in the area and like the house because of its high quality. The family also owns agricultural land which is managed by the grandfather and mother. They spend 75 hours on agricultural activities every week. The family purchases 80% of their food from the local market, while the rest comes from their own production. Purchasing food requires 60% of their income. In the kitchen, they use electricity to power the stove. The family is saving money for the future and they plan on buying a car. Their favorite item in the house is their computer. They dream that one day they might get a nice motorbike.

Photo by: Jonathan Taylor
All families in China