TED Talks
How not to be ignorant about the world
Population growth explained with IKEA boxes
Religions and babies
Asia’s rise, how and when (TEDIndia)
Everyone lives on Dollar Street
Rosling’s World – a documentary about Hans Rosling
Singapore in a Global Perspective
Using photos as data to understand how people live
TED and Reddit’s 10 questions
Aha! Now I get how everybody lives!
Reducing child mortality – a moral and environmental imperative
Minorities and global health
Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine
Let my dataset change your mindset
HIV: New facts and stunning data visuals
Debunking myths about the “third world”
The seemingly impossible is possible
Don’t Panic — End Poverty
Don’t Panic – The Facts About Population
Demographic Party Trick 1 – Hans Rosling & Bill Gates
Hans Rosling on CNN: US in a converging world
The Joy of Stats
Free statistics for democracy
A Slum Insight
Factpods & Answers
Ebola will stop the same way that it started: slowly
Perfecting Ebola contact tracing
Stop Ebola in big city…never done before
Liberia’s Ebola curve stopped falling at 10 cases/day
Zero is the only stable level of Ebola
The future of Ebola if not stopped now
The relation between Ebola and extreme poverty goes both ways
Poor housing transmit Ebola
Global temperature is now higher than ever measured
Worldwide child mortality down to 1 in 20
More precise UN estimates of the future world population
Why did Ebola spread in West Africa?
I love/hate this global vaccination graph
Ebola easier to stop now than later
Ebola Contact Tracers need two very different skills
How reliable is the world population forecast?
The rapid growth of the world population, when will it slow down?
Where do people live?
What makes the world population continue to grow?
How many are rich and how many a poor?
How does income relate to life expectancy?
How did babies per woman change in different regions?
How did babies per woman change in the world?
How did the world population change?
How can the world population forecasts be so good?
Will saving poor children lead to overpopulation?
Crisis narrows China-UK gap
Swine flu alert! News/Death ratio: 8176
Human rights & democracy statistics
200 years that changed the world
Lung Cancer Statistics
Prostate Cancer Statistics
Breast Cancer Statistics
Liver Cancer Statistics
Colon Cancer Statistics
Stomach Cancer Statistics
Cervical Cancer Statistics
Shanghai, New York, Mumbai
Yes they can!
Poor beat rich in MDG race
Svenska Läkaresällskapets 200-årsresa
Reducing Child Mortality
Chimpanzees know better?
Föreläsning på svenska
Carbon dioxide (Energy)
Public services
Chile, a developing country?
10 Years In, 10 Years Out
Bangladesh Miracle
Human Development Trends
Health, Money & Sex in Sweden