Please contact Gapminder if you or your organization has data that might be interesting to display in Gapminder World or a similar graph. Please explain the type of data you have and how it was collected and we will see how and if it can be displayed in a Gapminder graph. Typically such a display requires data for countries available over a longer period of time
Google Motion Chart
The easiest way to convert your data into a Gapminder-like bubble graph is to use Motion Chart from Google. Motion Chart is a free ‘gadget’ for Google Spreadsheet (an online spreadsheet similar to Excel). You simply require a free Google Account to use this functionality.
Here is a quick guide on how to use the Motion Chart Gadget »
For advanced users
For advanced users with a knowledge of JavaScript, Motion Chart is available through Google Vizualisation API. This allows you to embed Motion Chart on your own website and does not require uploading the data to Google’s servers.